Équipe artistique du Stage d’été 2024

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31 Août 2014

Preselection in Dresden

In light of the ever-growing success of its Preselection in Argentina and in an effort to open up the life-enhancing …

31 Août 2014

Preselection in Argentina

The annual Prix de Lausanne South American Preselection will take place from September 26th to  October 3rd, 2014, in Villa …

23 Juin 2014

Ballet Manga

Shinshokan and the Prix de Lausanne Steven McRae, principal, Royal Ballet (GBR), and Prix de Lausanne prize winner in 2003 …

19 Juin 2014


Harlequin , (www.harlequinfloors.com) world leaders in dance floor technology has been supporting the Prix de Lausanne since 2009. This year …

06 Mai 2014

Schools and companies chosen by the Prix de Lausanne 2014 prize-winners

The Prix de Lausanne is delighted to announce that the 2014 prize winners will continue their training in the following …

Mizuka Ueno

29 Avr 2014

Mizuka Ueno, Prix de Lausanne prize winner in 1993

As part of the 150 Anniversary of diplomatic relations between Switzerland and Japan, we are pleased to spotlight our former …

22 Avr 2014

Prix de Lausanne documentary

more than a competition 2014 Prix de Lausanne documentary will be available at Visions Du Reel doc market! Since its …

25 Mar 2014

Happy #tututuesday!

It was 2 years ago, when we celebrated Prix the Lausanne 40th anniversary: operation “tutus on statues” …

26 Jan 2014

Prix de Lausanne Daily Dance Dialogue I : How to perform better on a rake

This year 4 conferences will take place at Beaulieu Theatre during the Prix de Lausanne. Join us for intimate discussions …

08 Jan 2014

Presenting our 2014 Jury: Kay Mazzo, president

The jury of the Prix de Lausanne is composed of nine renowned personalities of the dance world. The Prix de …

07 Jan 2014

Presenting our 2014 jury: XU Gang

Xu Gang, 2014 Jury member Prix de Lausanne prize winner in 1985 General Repetiteur and Ballet Master at the National …

03 Jan 2014

Presenting our 2014 jury: Pedro Carneiro

Pedro Carneiro, 2014 jury member Director of the National Conservatory Dance School, Lisbon Pedro Carneiro started his dance studies at …