Stage d'été 2025

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Palucca Hochschule

Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden

Foto-Bettina-Stoss_450pxThe idea that each individual his own distinct abilities and skills is at the heart of the Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden’s educational programmes. Our curriculum is based on the three pillars of dance: ballet, contemporary/modern dance and improvisation. Our aim is to develop a common approach, breaking down the barriers between these techniques. All three pillars are woven into the entire curriculum, from beginning to end, and enhance a wide vary variety of complementary studies. Linking theory and practice enables the students to develop as autonomous, thinking, creative artists who use these techniques in their quest for artistic freedom.

The Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden offers an interdisciplinary education: a bachelor of the arts degree programme in Dance and Dance Education, and masters degrees in Dance Education and in Choreography. Interdisciplinary projects carried out on a cooperative basis, coupled with lifelong learning, forms the most important basis for the students’ education.

Dance education at the Palucca Hochschule begins at the age of ten and includes comprehensive schooling. At the centre of the interdisciplinary course of studies is the development of a creative, autonomous dancer, somebody who can bring their own contribution to various professional situations and artistic processes.

The students get to know dance as a comprehensive process. Lectures, seminars, practical training, artistic projects and excursions expand the students’ dancing capabilities and help them acquire theoretical and practical knowledge about dance and art, dance and architecture, as well as dance and film. This includes historical, perceptual, analytical, medical, organisational and media aspects.

IN-FUSION-IN-Foto-Costin-Radu_225pxThe students are taught by international guest teachers and choreographers. The course places exceptional value on the close connection between the artistic and practical experience. Therefore students receive already during the course of study numerous possibilities to perform before an audience. Participation in performances in Dresden and in guest performances are an important aspect of the dance course of study. There is a close collaboration with the Semperoper Ballett, through an Apprentice Programme and a strong relationship working with The Forsythe Company, which is also based in Hellerau/ Dresden.

The Palucca Hochschule für Tanz Dresden has an integrated secondary school in which students between the ages of ten and seventeen complete a secondary school diploma. Combined with the required level in the dance subjects, successful completion of the secondary school after grade ten qualifies the student for acceptance into the BA Dance programme at the Palucca Hochschule. Students are also qualified to continue their education at another school.

Palucca founded her own school in Dresden in 1925. Jason Beechey has been Rector of the School since August 2006.

The Palucca Hochschule für Tanz in numbers

Annual enrolment: 196 students.

Annual performances: approximately 100.

Facilities: 11 dance studios, 7 classrooms, a library, a cafeteria, physiotherapy area, a costume department, archives, and a sound studio. The Palucca Hochschule boarding facility provides lodging for 75 students.

Staff: 55 full-time staff members.