Who is the the Jury 2025?

Meet the nine members of the Jury 2025!

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Kyle Davis

Curriculum Vitae

Principal, Pacific Northwest Ballet (Seattle)
Prize Winner, Prix de Lausanne 2008

Kyle Davis was born in Green Bay, Wisconsin, United States of America. He trained at the North Carolina School of the Arts, before being an apprentice at the Pacific Northwest Ballet from 2008 to 2009. In 2009, he was appointed corps de ballet of the same company.

Favorite roles/choreographies: Blue Bird Pas de Deux/Ronald Hynd; Gold and Silver Pas de Trios/Ronald Hynd; A Garden/Mark Morris; Rubies (lead man)/George Balanchine; Nightmare/Jennifer Davis

Career highlight: Performing the Blue Bird Pas de Deux from Ronald Hynd’s Sleeping Beauty

Message to the Prix de Lausanne candidates: Competing in the Prix de Lausanne is an experience unlike anything else. To be able to watch other extraordinarily talented dancers work and perform is, in my opinion, one of the greatest things a young dancer can witness. The opportunities that arise from this competition are unmatched by any other organization. There is no place in the world where an aspiring dancer can be seen by so many different companies at one time. Winning is not the biggest part of the Prix de Lausanne – learning is. And every day spent dancing during this competition is another day to learn a great deal about dance.

Message to the Prix de Lausanne organisation: I am greatly honoured to have been given the opportunity to compete in the Prix de Lausanne, and to have received an award. Competing in the Prix de Lausanne is an experience I cherish deeply, and the title of Prix de Lausanne Prize Winner is a title I proudly wear. The classes, coaching sessions, and judges’ mere presence encouraged hard work from all the competitors, and formed an environment where the technique of dance was pushed to its limits, without the loss of artistry. If I were given the opportunity to do it again – I would in a heart beat.